Model-Based Fault Diagnosis of a Planetary Gear Using Transmission Error



Published Sep 29, 2014
Jungho Park Jong Moon Ha Byeng D. Youn Sang Hyuck Leem Joo-Ho Choi Nam Ho Kim


A Planetary gear can transmit high torque ratio stably and, therefore, the gear is widely used in industrial applications, i.e., wind turbines, automobiles, helicopters. Unexpected failure of the planetary gear results in substantial economic loss and human casualties. Extensive efforts have been made to develop the fault diagnostic techniques of gears; however, the techniques are mostly concerned about spur gears. This is mainly because understanding of complex dynamic behaviors of a planetary gear is lacking, such as multiple gear contacts, non-stationary axis of rotation, etc. This study thus proposes model-based fault diagnostics for a planetary gear that is based upon its dynamic analysis. Instead of vibration signals, this study uses transmission error (TE) signals for fault diagnostics of the planetary gear because TE signals (a) are directly related to the dynamic behaviors of gear mesh stiffness and (b) increase as damages on a gear mesh reduce the gear mesh stiffness. A lumped parameter model was used for modeling dynamic behaviors of the planetary gear. For more precise modeling, mesh phase difference–between sun, ring, and planet gear– and contact ratio were taken into account in the lumped parameter model. After acquiring transmission error signals from the model, order analysis and data processing were executed to generate health related data for the planetary gear. Consequently, it is concluded that the use of transmission error signals helps gain understanding of complex dynamic behaviors of the planetary gear and diagnose its potential faults.

How to Cite

Park, J. ., Moon Ha, . J. ., D. Youn, B. ., Hyuck Leem, S. ., Choi, J.-H. ., & Ho Kim, N. . (2014). Model-Based Fault Diagnosis of a Planetary Gear Using Transmission Error. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1).
Abstract 518 | PDF Downloads 282



signal processing, fault diagnostics, Planetary Gear, Transmission Error, Lumped Parameter Model

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