A Tutorial for Model-based Prognostics Algorithms based on Matlab Code



Published Sep 23, 2012
Dawn An Joo-Ho Choi Nam Ho Kim


This paper presents a Matlab-based tutorial for model-based prognostics, which combines a physical model with observed data to identify model parameters, from which the remaining useful life (RUL) can be predicted. Among many model-based prognostics algorithms, the particle filter is used in this tutorial for parameter estimation of damage or a degradation model in model-based prognostics. The tutorial is presented using a Matlab script with 62 lines, including detailed explanations. As examples, a battery degradation model and a crack growth model are used to explain the updating process of model parameters, damage progression, and RUL prediction. In order to illustrate the results, the RUL at an arbitrary cycle are predicted in the form of distribution along with the median and 90% prediction interval.

How to Cite

An , D. ., Choi, J.-H. ., & Ho Kim, N. . (2012). A Tutorial for Model-based Prognostics Algorithms based on Matlab Code. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2012.v4i1.2156
Abstract 1043 | PDF Downloads 566



battery degradation, crack growth, Matlab code, model-based prognostics, particle filter, remaining useful life

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