A Tool Chain for the V&V of NASA Cryogenic Fuel Loading Health Management



Published Sep 29, 2014
Johann Schumann Vanesa Gomez-Gonzalez Nagabhushan Mahadevan Michael Lowry Peter Robinson Gabor Karsai


Complex machinery like spacecraft, aircraft, or chemical plants are equipped with fault detection and diagnosis systems. Due to their safety-critical nature, such diagnosis systems have to undergo rigorous Verification and Validation (V&V). In this paper, we present a tool suite to facilitate V&V of the deployed diagnostic system. The V&V relies on the paradigms of cross validation (to compare the diagnosis results of the deployed reasoner against those of other, more advanced reasoners), automatic fault scenario generation (to support extensive testing and coverage analysis), and parametric model analysis (to enrich test sets and for robustness and sensitivity analysis). We present the application of this tool architecture towards the V&V of the diagnosis system based on the TEAMS tool suite towards a subsystem in the NASA cryogenic fuel loading facility.

How to Cite

Schumann, J. ., Gomez-Gonzalez, V. ., Mahadevan, N. ., Lowry, M. ., Robinson, P. ., & Karsai, G. . (2014). A Tool Chain for the V&V of NASA Cryogenic Fuel Loading Health Management. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2014.v6i1.2392
Abstract 496 | PDF Downloads 174



verification and validation, TEAMS, cryogenic fuel, cross-validation, parametric model analysis

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