Health Assessment of Composite Structures in Unconstrained Environments Using Partially Supervised Pattern Recognition Tools



Published Sep 23, 2012
Emmanuel Ramasso Vincent Placet Rafael Gouriveau Lamine Boubakar Noureddine Zerhouni


The health assessment of composite structures from acoustic emission data is generally tackled by the use of clustering techniques. In this paper, the K-means clustering and the newly proposed Partially-Hidden Markov Model (PHMM) are exploited to analyse the data collected during mechanical tests on composite structures. The health assessment considered in this paper is made difficult by working in unconstrained environments. The presence of the noise is illustrated in several examples and is shown to distort strongly the results of clustering. A solution is proposed to filter out the noisy partition provided by the clustering methods. After filtering, the PHMM provides results which appeared closer to the expectations than the K-means. The PHMM offers the possibility to use uncertain and imprecise labels on the possible states, and thus covers supervised and unsupervised learning as special cases which makes it suitable for real applications.

How to Cite

Ramasso, . E. ., Placet, V. ., Gouriveau, R. ., Boubakar, L. ., & Zerhouni, N. . (2012). Health Assessment of Composite Structures in Unconstrained Environments Using Partially Supervised Pattern Recognition Tools. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 4(1).
Abstract 306 | PDF Downloads 163



acoustic emission, composite structure, Belief functions, noisy conditions, partially-supervised learning, clustering

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