Power Curve Analytic for Wind Turbine Performance Monitoring and Prognostics



Published Sep 25, 2011
Onder Uluyol Girija Parthasarathy Wendy Foslien Kyusung Kim


The manufacturer-provided power curve for a wind turbine indicates the expected power output for a given wind speed and air density. This work presents a performance analytic that uses the measured power and the power curve to compute a residual power. Because the power curve is not site-specific, the residual is masked by it and other external factors as well as by degradation in performance of worn or failing components. We delineate operational regimes and develop statistical condition indicators to adaptively trend turbine performance and isolate failing components. The approach is extended to include legacy wind turbines for which we may not have a manufacturer‘s power curve. In such cases, an empirical approach is used to establish a baseline for the power curve. The approach is demonstrated using supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system data from two wind turbines owned by different operators.

How to Cite

Uluyol, O. ., Parthasarathy, G. ., Foslien, W. ., & Kim, K. . (2011). Power Curve Analytic for Wind Turbine Performance Monitoring and Prognostics. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2011.v3i1.2078
Abstract 822 | PDF Downloads 1610



condition based maintenance (CBM), Diagnostics and prognostics, Wind Turbine, power curve

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