A Preprocessing and Modeling Approach for Gearbox Pitting Severity Prediction under Unseen Operating Conditions and Fault Severities



Published May 6, 2024
Rik Vaerenberg Douw Marx
Seyed Ali Hosseinli
Fabrizio De Fabritiis
Hao Wen
Rui Zhu
Konstantinos Gryllias


Gear pitting is a common gearbox failure mode that can lead to unplanned machine downtime, inefficient power transmission and a higher risk of sudden catastrophic failure. Consequently, there is strong incentive to create machine learning models that are capable of detecting and quantifying the severity of gearbox pitting faults. The performance of machine learning models is however highly dependent on the availability of training data and since training data for a wide variety of different operating conditions and fault severities is rarely available in practice, machine learning models must be designed to be robust to unseen operating conditions and fault severities. Furthermore, models should be capable of identifying data outside of the training data distribution and adjusting the confidence in a prediction accordingly. This work presents a strategy for pitting severity estimation in gearboxes under unseen operating conditions and fault severities in response to the PHM North America 2023 Conference Data Challenge. The strategy includes the design of dedicated validation sets for quantifying model performance on unseen data, an investigation into the most appropriate preprocessing methods, and a specialized convolutional neural network with an integrated out of distribution detection model for identifying samples from foreign operating conditions and fault severities. The results show that the best models are capable of some generalization to unseen operating conditions, but the generalization to unseen pitting severities is more challenging.

Abstract 393 | PDF Downloads 273



preprocessing, pitting, unseen conditions, CNN, gearbox

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