Adaptive training of vibration-based anomaly detector for wind turbine condition monitoring



Published Nov 16, 2020
Takanori Hasegawa Jun Ogata Masahiro Murakawa Tetsunori Kobayashi Tetsuji Ogawa


Adaptive training of a vibration-based anomaly detector for wind turbine condition monitoring system (CMS) is carried out to achieve high-performance detection from the early stages of monitoring. Machine learning-based wind turbine CMSs are required to collect large-scale data to yield reli-able predictions. Existing studies in this area have postulated that both data for training a monitoring system and those during the operation of the system are obtained from identical devices. In addition, constant monitoring of data is desirable, but in practice, the data can be observed periodically (e.g., several tens of seconds of data are observed every two hours). In this case, collecting sufficient data is time consuming, making it difficult to conduct accurate predictions at the early stage of the CMS operation. To address this problem, a small amount of vibration data observed at a target wind turbine is utilized to adapt the anomaly detector that is trained on relatively large-scale vibration signals obtained from other wind turbines. In the present study, maximum a posteriori (MAP) adaptation is applied to a Gaussian mixture model (GMM)-based anomaly detector. Experimental comparisons using vibration data from the gearbox in the ex- perimental environment and those used in the wind turbine demonstrated that MAP-based GMM adaptation yielded an improvement in anomaly detection accuracy even when only a small amount of data is observed at the target gearbox.

Abstract 538 | PDF Downloads 505



anomaly detection, machine learning, Wind Turbine, Condition monitoring system, Gaussian Mixture Model, adaptive training

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