Analysis of Acoustic Emission Data for Bearings subject to Unbalance



Published Nov 1, 2020
Seyed A. Niknam Tomcy Thomas J. Wesley Hines Rapinder Sawhney


Acoustic Emission (AE) is an effective nondestructive method for investigating the behavior of materials under stress. In recent decades, AE applications in structural health monitoring have been extended to other areas such as rotating machineries and cutting tools. This research investigates the application of acoustic emission data for unbalance analysis and detection in rotary systems. The AE parameter of interest in this study is a discrete variable that covers the significance of count, duration and amplitude of AE signals. A statistical model based on Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression is proposed to handle over-dispersion and excess zeros of the counting data. The ZIP model indicates that faulty bearings can generate more transient wave in the AE waveform. Control charts can easily detect the faulty bearing using the parameters of the ZIP model. Categorical data analysis based on generalized linear models (GLM) is also presented. The results demonstrate the significance of the couple unbalance.

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acoustic emission, Count Data, Categorical data analysis, Poisson regression, Rolling element bearing, Unbalance

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