Human-Centric PHM in the Era of Industry 5.0
The maintenance industry is undergoing a major transformation as it embraces the shift towards Industry 5.0. The focus of Industry 5.0 is on the integration of human intelligence with advanced technologies. It emphasizes interaction and collaboration between humans and machines and aims to combine the strengths of both. The efficiency of prognostics and health management (PHM) for maintenance in industrial contexts can be enhanced by improving this human-machine interaction and collaboration. This paper investigates the human-centric aspects, with a focus on PHM systems for facilitating the enablement of Industry 5.0 in maintenance. Acknowledging human as an active participant, this study explores their integral role in designing and developing PHM systems. The data collection for this study has been based on available literature, active and passive observations, and unstructured interviews and discussions with experienced industry professionals. As a result of the analysis of collected data, this study identifies and highlights potential areas for research and exploration. The research in these areas can advance the understanding and application of human-centric PHM strategies within Industry 5.0 in maintenance contexts. This is expected to improve the resilience and sustainability aspects of the industrial ecosystem and facilitate the shift towards Industry 5.0.
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Maintenance, Prognostics and Health Management, Industry 5.0, Human-centric
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