Development of a Data-driven Condition-Based Maintenance Methodology Framework for an Advanced Jet Trainer



Published Jun 27, 2024
Leonardo Baldo


Since their introduction more than 20 years ago, PHM strate- gies for aerospace equipment have gone a long way, enabling operators and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) to monitor their assets, track down abnormal behaviors and plan maintenance action in advance. On the other hand, the tran- sition from PHM strategies using simulated data to solutions utilizing real-life operational data is consistently prone to sig- nificant challenges and demands. This doctoral thesis aims to develop a PHM/CBM framework applied to a Electro-Hydraulic Actuators (EHAs) leveraging real in-service fleet data. In this paper, the first steps of the research project are presented.

How to Cite

Baldo, L. (2024). Development of a Data-driven Condition-Based Maintenance Methodology Framework for an Advanced Jet Trainer. PHM Society European Conference, 8(1), 5.
Abstract 278 | PDF Downloads 215



PHM, EHA, Flight controls, Actuator, CBM, Data-driven, Flight Data, In-service data, Trainer Aircraft, Electro-Hydraulic Actuators

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Doctoral Symposium