Aligning PHM, SHM and CBM by understanding the physical system failure behaviour



Published Jul 8, 2014
Tiedo Tinga Richard Loendersloot


In this work the three disciplines of condition based maintenance (CBM), structural health monitoring (SHM) and prognostics and health management (PHM) are described. Then the characteristics of the disciplines are compared, which leads to a clear insight in the commonalities, but also in the difference in objectives and scope of the three disciplines. The disciplines are then demonstrated using three different case studies on bearing vibration monitoring, composite panel structural health monitoring and helicopter landing gear prognostics, respectively. After a discussion on the benefits of understanding the system physical (failure) behaviour, an integrated approach is proposed in which the three disciplines are aligned. This approach starts from defining an appropriate monitoring strategy (SHM and CM) and eventually ends in supporting the decision making (PHM) that leads to an optimal maintenance process throughout the life cycle of the asset.

How to Cite

Tinga, T., & Loendersloot, R. (2014). Aligning PHM, SHM and CBM by understanding the physical system failure behaviour. PHM Society European Conference, 2(1).
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physics of failure, monitoring, predictive maintenance

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