Autonomous Prognostics and Health Management (APHM)



Published Jul 3, 2012
Jacek Stecki Joshua Cross Chris Stecki Andrew Lucas


The objective of this paper is to show how PHM con-cepts can be included in the design of an autonomous Un-manned Air Vehicle (UAV) and in doing so, provide effec-tive diagnostic/prognostic capabilities during system opera-tion. The authors propose a PHM Cycle that is divided into two parts, covering the design of the Autonomous PHM system and the operation of the PHM system in real-time application. The paper presents steps in design of Autono-mous Prognostics and Health Management (APHM) devel-oped using the above approach, to provide contingency management integrated with autonomous decision-making for power management on a UAV. APHM was developed using commercial software tools such as the JACK® auton-omous software platform to provide real-time intelligent decision making and MADe® - Maintenance Aware Design environment to identify risks due to equipment failures and to select appropriate sensor coverage. The PHM Cycle methodology is demonstrated in application to autonomous, real-time, engine health and power management on an Un-manned Air Vehicle (UAV).

How to Cite

Stecki, J., Cross, J. ., Stecki, C., & Lucas, A. (2012). Autonomous Prognostics and Health Management (APHM). PHM Society European Conference, 1(1).
Abstract 281 | PDF Downloads 179



PHM, Artificial Agents, FMECA

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