Adapting Approximate Entropy as a Health Indicator of Rotating Machinery for Estimation of Remaining Useful Life



Published Sep 22, 2019
Cody Walker


Despite significant attention to online health monitoring and prognostics of bearings, many common health indicators are not sensitive to early stages of degradation. This research investigates the use of approximate entropy (ApEn), previously developed for fault diagnostics, as a health indicator for prognostics. ApEn quantifies the regularity of a signal; as bearings degrade, the frequency content of vibration signals changes and affects the ApEn as the vibration becomes more chaotic. Early results suggest ApEn supports earlier degradation detection and more predictable progression from fault to failure. This research focuses on optimizing parameters of the ApEn calculation to provide guidance across a variety of bearing types, sizes, and geometries in both steady-state and transient operation.

How to Cite

Walker, C. (2019). Adapting Approximate Entropy as a Health Indicator of Rotating Machinery for Estimation of Remaining Useful Life. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 11(1).
Abstract 411 | PDF Downloads 466



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