Accepting Technology in Aviation Safety Risk Management: an extension of the technology acceptance model
Aviation safety is paramount, and advancements in technology play a pivotal role in mitigating risks and enhancing operational efficiency. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been widely utilised to understand the adoption of various technologies across industries. However, its application within the context of aviation risk assessment requires nuanced considerations due to the unique operational environment and stringent safety requirements. This paper critically reviews existing literature on TAM and its adaptations in aviation risk assessment, identifying limitations and gaps. Drawing from interdisciplinary insights in psychology, human factors, and aviation safety, this paper proposes an enhanced framework for TAM tailored specifically to the aviation industry. The proposed model integrates key constructs such as perceived usefulness of technology in this area, trust in technology, system complexity, and organizational factors to provide a comprehensive understanding of technology acceptance within aviation risk assessment practices. By enhancing the TAM framework, this paper aims to offer valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and regulators involved in aviation safety management and technology integration efforts.
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