Interpolate and Extrapolate Machine Learning Models using An Unsupervised Method An Approach for 2023 PHM North America Data Challenge



Published Oct 26, 2023
Peng Liu


The 2023 PHM North America Data Challenge is intriguing because it requires one to predict outcomes and use data patterns that training models do not see. Modern machine learning models based on gradient boosting and neural networks are not designed to address such issues in usually circumstances. Our final approach to address the challenge consists of five steps. In our approach, we use an unsupervised method besides machine learning models to address the challenge.

How to Cite

Liu, P. (2023). Interpolate and Extrapolate Machine Learning Models using An Unsupervised Method: An Approach for 2023 PHM North America Data Challenge. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 15(1).
Abstract 306 | PDF Downloads 292



Machine Learning, Extrapolation, Unsupervised Learning

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