Online Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems Using Switched Dynamic Bayesian Networks



Published Oct 18, 2015
Gan Zhou Gautam Biswas Wenquan Feng Xiumei Guan


Modern real-world engineering systems typically have hybrid dynamic behaviors that can be modeled by continuous behaviors with discrete mode transitions. These complex systems present many significant challenges for online monitoring and diagnosis, including tracking system behavior, dealing with noisy measurements and disturbances, and diagnosing different types of faults. In this paper, we propose an integrated model-based diagnosis approach that extends the traditional Dynamic Bayesian Network-based particle filter approach for tracking continuous system dynamics. A novel mode diagnoser is presented that discriminates between residuals generated by inaccurate system tracking, discrete faults, and parametric faults. An extended quantitative fault isolation and identification scheme is combined with a qualitative fault isolation scheme to identify the abrupt parametric faults. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by applying it to Reverse Osmosis (RO) subsystem of the Water Recovery System (WRS) developed at the NASA Johnson Space Center for long duration human missions.

How to Cite

Zhou, G. ., Biswas, G. ., Feng, W. ., & Guan, X. . (2015). Online Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems Using Switched Dynamic Bayesian Networks. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1).
Abstract 397 | PDF Downloads 184



Hybrid Systems, particle filter, Dynamic Bayesian Networks, Hybrid bond graphs, Hybrid observer, Mode diagnoser, Fault isolation and identification

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