Improved Time-Based Maintenance in Aeronautics with Regressive Support Vector Machines



Published Oct 3, 2016
Marcia Baptista Ivo P. de Medeiros Joao P. Malere Helmut Prendinger Cairo L. Nascimento Jr. Elsa Henriques

How to Cite

Baptista, M., Medeiros, I. P. de, Malere, J. P., Prendinger, H., Nascimento Jr., C. L., & Henriques, E. (2016). Improved Time-Based Maintenance in Aeronautics with Regressive Support Vector Machines. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 8(1).
Abstract 326 | PDF Downloads 190



Data-driven modeling, Time-based Maintenance, Maintenance Data, Regression Support Machines, Technical Analysis, Outlier detection

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