Fault Tolerant Control for Manufacturing Discrete Systems by Filter and Diagnoser Interactions



Published Sep 29, 2014
A. Philippot P. Marangé F. Gellot J. F. Pétin B. Riera


The paper deals with an online safety mechanism to define interactions between a diagnoser and a control filter for fault tolerant control of manufacturing discrete systems. The diagnoser observes the plant behavior whereas the control filter ensures the safety from the controller. This online interaction is based by events communication where the control law is never reconfigured. The proposed approach is applied to CISPI platform from the CRAN laboratory (Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy).

How to Cite

Philippot, A. ., Marangé, P. ., Gellot, F. ., F. Pétin, J., & Riera, B. . (2014). Fault Tolerant Control for Manufacturing Discrete Systems by Filter and Diagnoser Interactions. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2014.v6i1.2507
Abstract 142 | PDF Downloads 111



diagnosis, Fault tolerant control, discrete event system

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