Eddy Currents Signatures Classification by Using Time Series: a System Modeling Approach



Published Sep 29, 2014
Blaise Gue ́pie ́ Mihaly Petreczky Ste ́phane Lecoeuche


Non destructive testing methods are often used in order to de- tect and classify structural flaws. The detection of structural flaws is useful for maintenance. In this paper we propose to classify flaws in ferromagnetic materials by measuring Eddy currents. Our approach consists of two steps. First, we use a system identification algorithm to find a dynamical system which describes the data. Then, we use the parameters of this dynamical system as a feature vector and we use support vector machines in order to classify the various cracks. We test our method on a well-known benchmark.

How to Cite

Gue ́pie ́ B. ., Petreczky, M. ., & Lecoeuche S. ́. . (2014). Eddy Currents Signatures Classification by Using Time Series: a System Modeling Approach. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2014.v6i1.2343
Abstract 155 | PDF Downloads 143



predictive maintenance, dynamical model, system identification, Eddy currents

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