Ensemble classifiers for drift detection and monitoring in dynamical environments



Published Oct 14, 2013
Imen Khamassi Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh Moez Hammami Khaled Ghédira


Detecting and monitoring changes during the learning process are important areas of research in many industrial applications. The challenging issue is how to diagnose and analyze these changes so that the accuracy of the learning model can be preserved. Recently, ensemble classifiers have achieved good results when dealing with concept drifts. This paper presents two ensembles learning algorithms BagEDIST and BoostEDIST, which respectively combine the Online Bagging and the Online Boosting with the drift detection method EDIST. EDIST is a new drift detection method which monitors the distance between two consecutive errors of classification. The idea behind this combination is to develop an ensemble learning algorithm which explicitly handles concept drifts by providing useful descriptions about location, speed and severity of drifts. Moreover, this paper presents a new drift diversity measure in order to study the diversity of base classifiers and see how they cope with concept drifts. From various experiments, this new measure has provided a clearer vision about the ensemble’s behavior when dealing with concept drifts.


How to Cite

Khamassi, I. ., Sayed-Mouchaweh, M. ., Hammami, M. ., & Ghédira, K. . (2013). Ensemble classifiers for drift detection and monitoring in dynamical environments. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2013.v5i1.2324
Abstract 288 | PDF Downloads 288



classification, Drift detection and monitoring, Non-stationary environments

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