A Model-Based Approach for Predicting the Remaining Driving Range in Electric Vehicles



Published Oct 14, 2013
Javier A. Oliva Christoph Weihrauch Torsten Bertram


The limited driving range has been pointed out as one of the main technical factors affecting the acceptance of electric vehicles. Offering the driver accurate information about the remaining driving range (RDR) reduces the range anxiety and increases the acceptance of the driver. The integration of electric vehicles into future transportation systems demands advanced driving assistance systems that offer reliable information regarding the RDR. Unfortunately, the RDR is, due to many sources of uncertainty, difficult to predict. The driving style, the road conditions or the traffic situation are some of these uncertain factors. A model-based approach for predicting the RDR by combining unscented filtering and Markov chains is introduced in this paper. Detailed models are implemented for representing the electric vehicle and its energy storage system. The RDR prediction is validated by a set of simulation based experiments for different driving scenarios. Whereas traditional approaches consider the RDR as a deterministic quantity, to our knowledge, this approach is the first to represent the RDR by a probability density function. We aim to provide initial steps towards a solution for generating reliable information regarding the RDR which can be used by driving assistance systems in electric vehicles.

How to Cite

A. Oliva, J. ., Weihrauch, C. ., & Bertram, T. . (2013). A Model-Based Approach for Predicting the Remaining Driving Range in Electric Vehicles. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2013.v5i1.2282
Abstract 635 | PDF Downloads 497



model based prognostics, range prediction, electric vehicles, markov chains

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