Particle Filter Prognostic Applied in Landing Gear Retraction



Published Oct 14, 2013
Paula Borges Olivio Cerdeira Roberto Kawakami Harrop Galvão João Pedro Pinheiro Malère


The PHM (Prognostics and Health Monitoring) applications play an increasingly important role on the aeronautical industry and can provide a wide range of benefits for complex systems, such as aircraft landing gears (LDG). Indeed forecasting the RUL (Remaining Useful Life) of the landing gear subsystems can enable condition–based maintenance, improve the aircraft availability and reduce unscheduled events. The purpose of this work is to investigate nominal and degraded simulated retraction times of a landing gear and to apply a prognostics approach, specifically the particle filter (PF) algorithm, from which the RUL can be predicted at a given confidence level.

How to Cite

Olivio Cerdeira, P. B. ., Harrop Galvão, R. K. ., & Pedro Pinheiro Malère, . J. . (2013). Particle Filter Prognostic Applied in Landing Gear Retraction. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1).
Abstract 238 | PDF Downloads 219



PHM, particle filter, Landing Gear

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