Remote Diagnosis of Timed I/O-Automata



Published Oct 11, 2010
Thorsten Schlage Jan Lunze


This paper considers the consistency-based remote diagnosis of discrete-event systems, where the diagnostic task is decomposed into an on- board and an off-board task. The system to be diagnosed is modelled by a new type of timed automata possessing discrete inputs and outputs. Faults are modelled as parameters of the edges and invariants of the automata. A consistency-based diagnostic method is derived for this model class by extending a method developed for timed automata without inputs and outputs. This method can be used for fault detection on the on-board component and for fault identification on the off-board component of the remote diagnostic system. The results are illustrated by an example.

How to Cite

Schlage, T. ., & Lunze, J. . (2010). Remote Diagnosis of Timed I/O-Automata. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(2).
Abstract 147 | PDF Downloads 156



fault diagnosis, discrete-event systems, timed automata, communication network, remote diagnosis

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