Towards Defining and Allocating PHM Requirements for Military Systems



Published Oct 10, 2010
Joel J. Luna


Issues and methods of relating program requirements to PHM requirements and allocation of PHM requirements to lower system levels are discussed as alternatives to technology-driven approaches. This paper focuses on evaluating program requirements for improving reliability for military systems with a required maintenance free operating period. Reliability improvements are related to PHM attributes, which are condensed to two primary attributes: coverage and inefficiency. Methods of allocation of higher level PHM requirements to lower level requirements are examined, focusing on a normalized weighting approach. An alternative approach beginning with coverage estimates is also examined. A discrete-event simulation model is developed and exercised to confirm analytical results.

How to Cite

J. Luna, . J. . (2010). Towards Defining and Allocating PHM Requirements for Military Systems. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(1).
Abstract 174 | PDF Downloads 237



logistics, diagnostic and prognostic metrics, Requirements, simulation

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