Damage Detection using Machine Learning for PHM in Gearbox Applications



Published Jun 27, 2024
Lisa Binanzer Tobias Schmid Lukas Merkle Martin Dazer


Early damage detection in gearbox applications enables the implementation of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). On the one hand, the earliest possible damage detection provides a precise in-sight into the state of health of a gearbox. In addition, early damage detection offers the possibility to slow down the damage progress and extend the remaining useful life (RUL) by intervening in the operating state at an early damage stage. The main contribution of this work is that existing Machine Learning tools are applied to the challenge of very early damage detection in gearboxes. Thus, the need for complex physically based data evaluation is avoided. The aim of this investigation is a comparison of two different machine learning approaches. To investigate the detection possibilities test bench experiments were conducted with a single stage spur gearbox. For a comprehensive investigation, i.e. to detect damage under different operating conditions, the test runs are carried out at different damage sizes, speeds and torques. Based on the recorded vibration data, the damage detection is examined. Two machine learning approaches of anomaly detection are considered: An encoding approach and a loss approach. The same sparse autoencoder is developed for both approaches Both machine learning approaches are able to detect even the smallest damage of about 0.5 % in most operating states. The loss approach allows the different damage stages to be recognized much more clearly than the encoding approach. The comparison of the different approaches provides valuable insights for the further development of robust damage detection algorithms.

How to Cite

Binanzer, L., Schmid, T., Merkle, L., & Dazer, M. (2024). Damage Detection using Machine Learning for PHM in Gearbox Applications. PHM Society European Conference, 8(1), 12. https://doi.org/10.36001/phme.2024.v8i1.4062
Abstract 301 | PDF Downloads 171



Damage Detection, Machine Learning, Gear Damage, Autoencoder

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