Development of integrated functional monitoring and warningssystem for Saab 39 Gripen.



Published Jul 5, 2016
Carina Birgersdotter Torbjörn Fransson


As the requirements of a modern air vehicle changes duringdevelopment and use, requirements and design of test andrecording functions have to be continuously updated. Toachieve control over functional monitoring, pilot warningsand health management in a tightly integrated avionicssystem with several configuration variants and frequentupdates, powerful tools are needed, especially whenrequirements on cost reduction and a small staff areconsidered. Traditionally the work has been divided amongseveral departments, with own processes and tools, leading toredundant work and inconsistency, despite tremendousinspection efforts.This paper describes how the workflow to define pilotwarnings are integrated in order to reduce development timeand reuse data. There are over 500 failure modes defined forthe Gripen Aircraft.The impact of a failure is depending on equipmentconfiguration and thus will the required pilot actions differbetween the variants. In complex failure situations it is alsoimportant to find the primary fault and filter faults that can beconsidered as consequences of the primary fault. Thepresentation will show how primary failures aredistinguished from secondaries or consequences.Experience has shown that the recommended pilot actionsoften need to be revised after that operational experience hasbeen achieved by the users. As changes in a delivered productare costly, the method of separately loadable databases forflight manuals and warnings information will significantlyreduce the cost of an update and also enable an incremental development. This paper will also describe how fieldloadable databases can be used in aircraft.

The paper will have the following disposition

Introduction: A brief overview over the Gripen project anddevelopment of Monitoring and Warning functions.

Current Design: A description of the design concept for thewarnings system in Gripen. This chapter will explain someacronyms and describe how failures are presented aswarnings in different modes of operation.

Problems: This section will list some important designdrivers which in this case are derived from customerrequirements and needs for cost reduction.

Approach: This section describes how the problems areanalyzed and taken care of.Conclusions:Experience from both Saab and Swedish Airforce.

How to Cite

Birgersdotter, C., & Fransson, T. (2016). Development of integrated functional monitoring and warningssystem for Saab 39 Gripen. PHM Society European Conference, 3(1).
Abstract 177 | PDF Downloads 144




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Technical Papers