Condition-based Maintenance: Determination of optimal deterioration levels to perform preventive activities by using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm



Published Jul 5, 2016
Aitor Goti Ana I. Sanchez


Several authors insist on the fact that maintenance is a key activity in the manufacturing industry, because of its economic consequences. Within maintenance, Condition-Based Maintenance programs can provide significant advantages to industrial plants. This paper is focused on the problem of Condition-Based Maintenance optimization in an industrial environment, with the objective of determining both the critical age level to perform preventive maintenance activities and the amount of this type of activities to be executed before upgrading or substituting components. For this purpose, a mathematical model who jointly considers the evolution in quality and production speed along with condition based, corrective and preventive maintenance is presented. The cost and profit optimization process using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm is applied to an industrial case.

How to Cite

Goti, A., & Sanchez, A. I. (2016). Condition-based Maintenance: Determination of optimal deterioration levels to perform preventive activities by using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. PHM Society European Conference, 3(1).
Abstract 147 | PDF Downloads 103



Condition Based Maintenance, industrial case, genetic algorithms

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