Fault Diagnostics of Planet Gears in Wind Turbine Using Autocorrelation- based Time Synchronous Averaging (ATSA)



Published Jul 8, 2014
Jong Moon Ha Jungho Park Byeng D. Youn Yoong Ho Jung


A planetary gearbox is widely used in various rotating systems because it can be used as a speed reducer or increaser without change in direction of shaft while transferring great driving power. Despite many attempts it is still challenging to diagnose potential faults of the planetary gearbox because of multiple contacts and axis rotation of planet gears resulting in complex vibration characteristics. This paper thus presents an original method to isolate vibration signals induced by the planet gears from the complex vibration signals for fault diagnostics of the planetary gearbox. First, an in-depth study on the vibration characteristics of planet gears is presented using the autocorrelation function of the vibration signal. The autocorrelation-based time synchronous averaging (ATSA) method is then developed for the isolation of the vibration signals produced by the planet gears. The vibration signals were utilized for extracting health related data which facilitate the efficient fault diagnostics of the planet gears. Case study with a wind turbine testbed showed that the proposed method can diagnose the root crack of the planet gears.

How to Cite

Ha, J. M., Park, J., Youn, B. D., & Jung, Y. H. (2014). Fault Diagnostics of Planet Gears in Wind Turbine Using Autocorrelation- based Time Synchronous Averaging (ATSA). PHM Society European Conference, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phme.2014.v2i1.1532
Abstract 160 | PDF Downloads 137



Wind Turbine, fault diagnostics, Planetary gearbox, Time Synchronous Averaging (TSA)

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