Cyber Defense of Rotating Machinery Using an Integrated ‘Fuse’ Bearing



Published Oct 18, 2015
Evyatar Cohen Jacob Bortman Renata Klein


A new concept is proposed for protection against cyber-attacks aiming to create excessive loads that will eventually result in irreversible damage to critical rotating machines. This novel approach is used as an additional defense layer of cyber protection to prevent hostile entities from breaking into the control system of the critical machines.

A relatively small bearing is used as the "weak link", or the "fuse" mechanism, in the critical system. This mechanism allows rapid life degradation under harmful regimes, which leads to early detection of attack and finally to prevention of catastrophic damage to a critical machine. The detection of the fuse degradation process is based on techniques of machine health monitoring via vibrations signatures.

An analytical model was developed, allowing to design the 'fuse bearing'. The model examines the response of the fuse bearing, through its life degradation rate, by simulating a wide range of attack scenarios. The model integrates sub models: bearing life estimation models and a dynamic response of mechanical rotating machines model. In addition, a set of fatigue life experiments were conducted on a designated experimental test facility with the purpose of proving the early damage detection ability of the fuse bearing using vibration analysis.

How to Cite

Cohen, E. ., Bortman, J. ., & Klein, R. . (2015). Cyber Defense of Rotating Machinery Using an Integrated ‘Fuse’ Bearing. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1).
Abstract 309 | PDF Downloads 188




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