Creep Mechanisms vis-à-vis Power Law vs. Grain Boundary Sliding in α-β Titanium Alloys for Physics Based Prognostics



Published Oct 18, 2015
Amar Kumar Alka Srivastava Nita Goel Avi Banerjee Ashok K Koul


This work is performed in support of our continued physics-based prognostics system development using a life cycle management-expert system (LCM-ES) framework. The physical damage based modeling approach involving global behavior and localized response of a component at the microstructural level is used. The current research aims at constructing parts of a deformation mechanism map (DMM) for α-β Ti alloy. The appropriate constitutive equations are used for power-law creep and grain boundary sliding mechanisms. Simulations are performed using the Newton- Raphson method using Matlab software code in order to obtain contour lines corresponding to strain rates ranging from 104 to 10-12 over the homologous temperature ranges of 0.10 to 0.655. The dominance of power-law creep and grain boundary sliding over a wider range of stresses and temperatures in Ti-64 alloy is studied. The simulation results are validated using experimental data points. The predicted contour lines in the map match fairly well. The structure- creep mechanism relationships in α-β Ti alloy under different stress, temperature and strain rate conditions are discussed.

How to Cite

Kumar, A. ., Srivastava, A. ., Goel, N. ., Banerjee, A. ., & K Koul, A. . (2015). Creep Mechanisms vis-à-vis Power Law vs. Grain Boundary Sliding in α-β Titanium Alloys for Physics Based Prognostics. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1).
Abstract 317 | PDF Downloads 460



prognosis, Creep mechanism,, Ti alloy

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