Integrated Diagnostics and Prognostics for the Electrical Power System of a Planetary Rover



Published Sep 29, 2014
Matthew Daigle Indranil Roychoudhury Anibal Bregon


For electric vehicles, technology for monitoring, diagnosis, and prognosis of the electrical power system (EPS) becomes essential for safe and efficient operation. To this end, we develop a general system-level integrated diagnosis and prognosis framework, which detects, isolates, and identifies EPS faults, and predicts when the EPS will fail to deliver sufficient power. The approach takes advantage of recent work in structural model decomposition in order to distribute the global diagnosis and prognosis problems into local subproblems that can be solved in parallel, thus enabling implementation on distributed computational platforms. The framework is applied to the EPS of a planetary rover testbed, and is demonstrated using data from field experiments.

How to Cite

Daigle, . M. ., Roychoudhury, . I. ., & Bregon, A. (2014). Integrated Diagnostics and Prognostics for the Electrical Power System of a Planetary Rover. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 6(1).
Abstract 252 | PDF Downloads 164




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