Fault Monitoring Techniques for Nuclear Components



Published Oct 14, 2013
Gee-Yong Park Jung Taek Kim


In this paper, we describe our previous studies for the development of an analysis algorithm and the application of a fault monitoring technique. Various signal processing methods have been implemented in the so-called monitoring tools to monitor and analyze abnormal conditions of components in nuclear power plants (NPPs). One of the analysis methods were devised by us for the efficient analysis of transient signals from NPP process components. This method, the adaptive cone-kernel distribution, is presented in this paper along with the description of the monitoring tool. Then, some application results using the monitoring tool are presented. As another application, the fault monitoring technique applied to the agitator driving system of a thermal chemical reduction reactor is also presented though this technique is not integrated in the monitoring tool yet.

How to Cite

Park, G.-Y. ., & Taek Kim, J. . (2013). Fault Monitoring Techniques for Nuclear Components. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2013.v5i1.2332
Abstract 147 | PDF Downloads 134



feature extraction, Adaptive CKD, Fault Monitoring, Agitator Driving System

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