Condition Monitoring of a Reciprocating Compressor Using Wavelet Transformation and Support Vector Machines



Published Oct 2, 2017
Shawn Falzone Jason R. Kolodziej


Condition monitoring techniques were applied to a reciprocating compressor in order to determine if faults were present in a system. Through the use of vibration based sensors, fault monitoring of the crank-side discharge valve springs was accomplished. Data was collected through a range of injected fault conditions and analyzed through the use of discrete wavelet transformations. The wavelet coefficients produced were transformed into a six-dimensional feature space though the use of first and second order statistics. By using a support vector machine classifier, the nominal and faulted condition data was used to train a fault monitoring classifier. This classifier was verified through the use of additional test data, and resulted in classification rates of 90% and above. This result is based on the trial of a multitude of different wavelets and support vector kernels in order to achieve the optimal performance for the dataset.

How to Cite

Falzone, S., & Kolodziej, J. R. (2017). Condition Monitoring of a Reciprocating Compressor Using Wavelet Transformation and Support Vector Machines. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 9(1).
Abstract 337 | PDF Downloads 959



condition based maintenance (CBM), applications: industrial, data driven methods

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