Estimation of APU Failure Parameters Employing Linear Regression and Neural Networks



Published Oct 14, 2013
Renata M.Pascoal Wlamir O.L.Vianna João P.P.Gomes Roberto K.H.Galvão


This study is concerned with the building of an appropriate model to estimate failure parameters of an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU). Linear and nonlinear models were used in order to evaluate which model is more suitable for this application. Data for model building and testing were obtained by simulating a nonlinear dynamic model of APU in Matlab/Simulink for various operating conditions to which it may be subjected to and with different levels of failure parameter degradation. Linear models were obtained by least-squares regression, whereas nonlinear models were obtained by training neural networks. The results obtained with these two models were compared. As a result, the neural network models were found to provide a better estimate of the APU failure parameters.

How to Cite

M.Pascoal, R., O.L.Vianna, W., P.P.Gomes, J., & K.H.Galvão, R. (2013). Estimation of APU Failure Parameters Employing Linear Regression and Neural Networks. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1).
Abstract 173 | PDF Downloads 119



Neural Networks, Linear Regression, APU, failure parameters

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