Experimental Polymer Bearing Health Estimation and Test Stand Benchmarking for Wave Energy Converters



Published Sep 25, 2011
Michael T. Koopmans Stephen Meicke Irem Y. Tumer Robert Paasch


Ocean waves can provide a renewable and secure energy supply to coastal residents around the world. Yet, to safely harness and convert the available energy, issues such as bearing reliability and maintainability need to be resolved. This paper presents the application of a Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) based research methodology to derive empirical models for estimating the wear of polymer bearings installed on wave energy converters. Forming the foundation of the approach is an applicable wave model, sample data set, and experimental test stand to impose loading conditions similar to that expected in real seas. The resulting wear rates were found to be linear and stable, enabling coarse health estimations of the bearing surface.

How to Cite

T. Koopmans, M. ., Meicke , S. ., Y. Tumer, . I. ., & Paasch, R. . (2011). Experimental Polymer Bearing Health Estimation and Test Stand Benchmarking for Wave Energy Converters. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2011.v3i1.2041
Abstract 243 | PDF Downloads 162



bearings, PHM system design and engineering, ocean renewables, wave energy converter, wear, test stand, wave energy

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