Modeling wave propagation in Sandwich Composite Plates for Structural Health Monitoring



Published Sep 25, 2011
V. N. Smelyanskiy V. Hafiychuk D. G. Luchinsky R. Tyson J. Miller C. Banks


Wave propagation is investigated in sandwich composite panels using analytical approach for layered materials, Mindlin plate theory and finite element modeling in the context of developing an on-board structural health monitoring system. It is shown that theoretical results are in agreement with the results of numerical simulations and with experimental results.

How to Cite

N. Smelyanskiy, V. ., Hafiychuk, V. ., G. Luchinsky, D. ., Tyson, R. ., Miller, J. ., & Banks, C. . (2011). Modeling wave propagation in Sandwich Composite Plates for Structural Health Monitoring. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 3(1).
Abstract 227 | PDF Downloads 170



sandwich panel, guided waves, debond, scattering

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