On non-invertibilities for Structural Analysis



Published Oct 11, 2010
Vincent de Flaugergues de Flaugergues Vincent Cocquempot Mireille Bayart Marco Pengov


This article deals with structural analysis, which is a simple but efficient method in the field of Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI), to determine systems properties, such as observability, fault detectability or diagnosability. Moreover, it allows to determine subsets of the model equations which may or may not yield fault indicators, namely residuals. Because some residuals are obtained by inverting parts of the model, the notion of constraint invertibility is used to assess the possibility of building a residual. Invertibilities are often considered a posteriori, after that the structural analysis has been performed, in order to keep the computable residuals. Taking into account these invertibility constraints in all steps of the structural method would allow, firstly, to provide directly computable residuals, and secondly, to reduce the complexity of structural analysis algorithms. Two types of non-invertibilities may be distinguished: those which are defined according to the nature of the functions, and those which are due to the structure of the model. Two algorithms are proposed for determining the latter ones. Integration of the two kinds of invertibilities from the first step of the structural analysis is the objective of this paper.

How to Cite

de Flaugergues , V. de F. ., Cocquempot, V. ., Bayart , M. ., & Pengov, M. . (2010). On non-invertibilities for Structural Analysis. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2010.v2i1.1949
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structural analysis, non-invertibilities

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