Diagnosing Process Trajectories Under Partially Known Behavior



Published Oct 11, 2010
Gerhard Friedrich Wolfgang Mayer Markus Stumptner


Diagnosis of process executions is an important task in many application domains, especially in the area of workflow management systems and orchestrated Web Services. If executions fail because activities of the process do not behave as intended, recovery procedures re-execute some activities to recover from the failure. We present a diagnosis method for identifying incorrect activities in process executions. Our method is novel both in that it does not require exact behavioral models for the activities and that its accuracy improves upon dependency-based methods. Observations obtained from partial executions and re executions of a process are exploited. We formally characterize the diagnosis problem and develop a symbolic encoding that can be solved using constraint logic programming techniques. Our evaluation demonstrates that the framework yields superior accuracy to dependency-based methods on realistically-sized examples.

How to Cite

Friedrich, G. ., Mayer, W. ., & Stumptner, M. . (2010). Diagnosing Process Trajectories Under Partially Known Behavior. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2010.v2i1.1944
Abstract 187 | PDF Downloads 195



diagnostic algorithm, process diagnosis

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