Synthesis of a Distributed and Accurate Diagnoser



Published Oct 11, 2010
Priscilla Kan John Alban Grastien Yannick Pencole ́


The complex behaviour of large discrete event systems makes such systems difficult to diagnose. Using decentralised techniques helps limit combinatorial explosion but is not sufficient. Often, the complexity of the diagnosis is dependent on how components in the system are connected and the number of connections between them. We propose to augment a decentralized junction tree- based approach by ignoring some connections on the system. This helps reduce the complexity, and hence the cost, of the diagnostic reasoning required. However accuracy of the diagnosis is also reduced. We get around this problem by performing an off-line analysis to determine which connections can be safely ignored.

How to Cite

Kan John, P. ., Grastien, A. ., & Pencole ́ Y. . (2010). Synthesis of a Distributed and Accurate Diagnoser. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(2).
Abstract 226 | PDF Downloads 168



fault diagnosis, model-based methods, accuracy

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