Advanced diagnostics of position sensors for the actuation systems of high-speed tilting trains
Trains tilting permits a train to travel at a high speed while maintaining an acceptable passenger ride quality with respect to the lateral acceleration, and the consequent lateral force, received by the passengers when the train travels on a curved track at a speed in excess of the balance speed built into the curve geometry. The tilting of a train carbody is performed by a control and actuation system which operates as a closed servoloop accepting the commands from the train control system, generating the torque necessary to tilt the carbody with respect to the bogie and measuring the tilt angle to close the control loop. Measurement of the tilt angle of each train vehicle is performed by two sensors located in the front and rear part of the vehicle. Since a correct tilt angle measurement is vital for the system operation and for ensuring a safe ride, in case of discrepancy between the signals of the two tilt angle sensors of any vehicle, the tilting operation is disabled and the train speed is reduced. An innovative tilt angle sensors health management system is herein presented that makes intelligent use of all available information to allow detection of malfunctioning of an individual tilt angle sensor, thereby enabling a continued operation of the tilting system and a high speed travel after a sensor failure occurs.
How to Cite
Sensors health management, actuation systems, tilting trains
(Byington, Watson, Edwards, Stoelting 2004) C. S. Byington, M. Watson, D. Edwards, P. Stoelting A model-based approach to prognostics and health management for flight control actuators, 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conf. Proc., Vol. 6, pp. 3551- 3562.
(Boon, Hayes 1992) C. J. Boon, W.F. Hayes. High Speed Rail Tilt Train Technology: A State of the Art Survey, 1992 US Department of Transportation - Federal Railroad Administration.

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