An Adaptive Anomaly Detector used in Turbofan Test Cells



Published Oct 10, 2010
Jérôme Lacaille Valério Gerez Rafik Zouari


Airplane engines use sophisticated technologies to improve their efficiency, reduce their weight, reduce fuel consumption, limit NOx generation and reduce the generated noise. On another hand, airlines want to decrease their maintenance costs. These changes may have an effect on engine reliability and there is a greater need to understand and control the behavior of the engine. This is the goal of PHM algorithms. However, if such algorithms are "easy" to build, V&V stay a challenge. To increase their readiness level, Snecma, as engine manufacturer, tests all engines on bench cells during development phases and before reception. Now Snecma chooses also to use PHM algorithms on bench tests. It helps the maturation of the code itself but it is also a way to monitor the bench cells.

The present document describes an implementation on a partial bench test cell of a generic abnormality detector. The first section gives an outlook at the implementation of some algorithms on a real test cell. The second section is the description of the main algorithm: an online abnormality detector able to automatically update when new recurrent usual observations appear. Finally the last section sketches some results obtained during the execution of the algorithm.

How to Cite

Lacaille, J. ., Gerez, V. ., & Zouari, R. . (2010). An Adaptive Anomaly Detector used in Turbofan Test Cells. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(1).
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diagnostics, test cell, V&V, maturation, Turbofan

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