Bending Wave Propagation Analysis Induced by Metal Ball Impacts on Reactor Pressure Boundary Structure



Published Jul 14, 2017
Seong-In Moon To Kang Seong-Il Lee Jung-Seok Seo Jeong-Han Lee Soon-Woo Han Jin-Ho Park


Recently, a model-based prognostic approach is becoming one of noticeable techniques to predict the fault behaviors of mechanical components in nuclear power plant. Lamb’s general solution for an arbitrary impact force function and Hertz impact theory have been used to identify the bending
wave characteristics impacted by a metallic loose part in reactor pressure boundary components. However. these approaches can hardly provide an information on accurate acceleration response for identifying the impact source. In this study, the impact response characteristics such as maximum acceleration amplitude and primary frequency of the impact response signal by a simulated loose part (metal ball) are analyzed using finite element analysis (FEA) and the FEA-based model is verified by experimental results. It is expected that the developed FEA-based model can be utilized in model-based prognostics for localization and estimation of mass of loose part in nuclear power plants.

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