On Determination of the Non-periodic Preventive Maintenance Scheduling with the Failure Rate Threshold for Repairable System



Published Jul 14, 2017
Juhyun Lee Jihyun Park Suneung Ahn


Determination of a preventive maintenance scheduling is regarded as a key part in manufacturing system to maintain the equipment in good condition. In practice, many preventive maintenance policies is used in manufacturing system to reduce the unexpected failures and increase sustainability of system. In this paper, the failure rate of system is used as a condition variable and a decision variable, and preventive maintenance policy is then developed for minimizing the expected maintenance cost rate. The imperfect preventive maintenance activities of the proposed models are modeled via the arithmetic reduction model which uses the age reduction factor or the hazard reduction factor. The results of the numerical example shows that the model based on age reduction can not only extend the system lifetime but also reduce the expected maintenance cost rate although the preventive maintenance cost is significantly higher than those of the model based on hazard reduction.

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