Research Status of Prognostics and Health Management in Nuclear Field



Published Jul 14, 2017
Hyeonmin Kim Seop Hur Gyunyoung Heo Jung-Taek Kim


Recently, the concerns of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) safety and reliability have increasing because of Fukushima disaster and NPPs increasing operating years. Operational experience has shown that greater situational awareness of the state of safety-critical nuclear plant System, Structure, and Components (SSCs) is necessary, particularly as they age due to exposure to harsh service conditions. While replacement of a subset of components is possible, and may even be economically attractive, it may be economically prohibitive to replace several of the lager components, including the reactor pressure vessel and primary piping. Thus, characterization, management, and mitigation of aging-related degradation in these critical passive components become important to maintain safety margins. In order to deal with these problem above mentioned, thus, it is necessary to develop Prognostics and health Management (PHM) technology. The key technology in PHM is to detect degradation and anomalies and to determine Remaining Useful Life (RUL) and Probability of Failure (POF) of SSCs. The prognostics results can be used to manage the evolving health and condition of nuclear plant SSCs. The prognostics information is used in a Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) model to assess the risk significance of the degradation and the corresponding reduced safety margin. In this paper, the review of the state of the art in PHM for nuclear industry was summarized. In addition, the prognostics application in case of Nuclear filed and technical gap for NPPs were

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