Resilient-based Control Reconfiguration of Autonomous Systems



Published Jul 14, 2017
Sehwan Oh Benjamin Lee Michael Balchanos Dimitri Mavris George Vachtsevanos


This paper introduces a design methodology for resilientbased
control reconfiguration of Unmanned Autonomous
Systems (UAS) when extreme disturbances, such as a largely
growing fault or component failure mode occur. It is
documented that more than 40% of Class air mishaps are
attributed to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). There is an
urgent need to improve the operational integrity, resilience
and reliability of such critical assets. An optimal control
approach with Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP)
and Model Predictive Control (MPC) is introduced in this
paper as a means for control authority redistribution and
reconfiguration; therefore, the system continues performing
its mission while compensating for the impact of the extreme
disturbances. Prognostic knowledge is considered in a
quadratic cost function of the optimal control problem as a
soft constraint. A trade-off parameter is introduced between
the prognostic constraint and the terminal cost. An
autonomous ground operable under-actuated hovercraft is
used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed
reconfiguration strategy, and it is extendable to other cyber
physical systems.

Abstract 64 | PDF Downloads 73




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