Instantaneous Detection of the Occurrence of Mechanical Resonances



Published Jul 14, 2017
Won Joon Song


In this paper, the kurtosis of time-domain signal is suggested as a detector of a mechanical resonance (MR). The statistical quantity is dependent on the shape of the statistical distribution of a given signal. Mechanical structures under environment noise vibrate in random pattern. If an eigenmode of the structure is stimulated, the sinusoidal pattern starts to develop in the vibration signal. Once MR occurs, near-resonance fluctuation becomes prominent in the time trace of the signal and alters the noisy signal of unimodal distribution into a near-sinusoidal oscillation of bimodal distribution. The value of kurtosis of the time-domain signal drops from around 3.0, then approaches close to 1.5 as MR progresses. The feasibility of kurtosis as an indicator of MR was tested with the piezoelectric responses obtained from microfabricated beams under acoustic stimulations. The test showed that the statistical parameter instantaneously detected the occurrence of MR elapsing quickly in this case. Investigation with the experimental data justified the use of the parameter as an instantaneous indicator of MR.

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