Experimental study of the vibration fatigue for beam with hard coating damping treatment



Published Jul 14, 2017
Jing-yu Zhai Hui Chen Yu-gang Chen Qing-kai Han


The hard coating material, with its superior advantages to temperature and corrosion resistance, is an ideal material for controlling the vibration of structures duo to its high capacity to dissipate vibration energy. The hard coating
material has been widely used in the aerospace field. In this paper, the vibration fatigue properties of beam with hard coating damping treatment are investigated further. An experiment is conducted to obtain the vibration fatigue mechanism of the hard coating beam, in which the vibration fatigue life of beam are measured under bending and local resonance condition. The vibration excitation is produced by the shaker driven by an amplified signal from vibration controller. Moreover, based on the finite element fatigue analysis software ANSYS nCode Designlife, the vibration fatigue simulation analysis is carried out, and the influence of the vibration frequency, amplitude and various damping properties for the vibration fatigue life are all considered and compared. The results indicate that an appropriate selection hard coating parameters can obtain desirable damping properties and can improve the vibration fatigue life.

Abstract 70 | PDF Downloads 117



beam, vibration fatigue, experiment, hard coating damping

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