New prognostics-based structural maintenance strategies for civil aircraft



Published Jul 14, 2017
Christian Gogu


Currently, structural maintenance of civil aircraft is based on the scheduled maintenance strategy, where all the aircraft of a same model are inspected according to a predetermined schedule. Embedding sensors in aeronautical structures allowing to monitor their structural health can also open up new strategies for more efficient maintenance planning. A first possibility is to move from scheduled maintenance to condition based maintenance, where the current condition of the aircraft triggers specific maintenance policies. A further step is to not only use the current state of the damage but to also predict future damage growth and determine the maintenance policy accordingly. Both condition based as well as prognostics based strategies can be carried out independently or can be coordinated with other, scheduled, non-structural maintenances, which leads to a total of four new possible maintenance strategies. An application of these maintenance strategies to fuselage panels of a short range commercial aircraft is presented and their effectiveness and cost-efficiency is compared between them and with that of traditional scheduled maintenance. We show that large savings can be achieved, particularly when large variabilities are present.

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