Creation of Publicly Available Data Sets for Prognostics and Diagnostics Addressing Data Scenarios Relevant to Industrial Applications



Published Nov 10, 2021
Simon Hagmeyer
Fabian Mauthe
Peter Zeiler


For a successful realization of prognostics and health management (PHM), the availability of sufficient run-to-failure data sets is a crucial factor. The sheer number of given data points holds less importance than the full coverage of the potential state space. However, full coverage is a major challenge in most industrial applications. Among other things, high investment and operating costs as well as the long service life of many technical systems make it difficult to acquire complete run-to-failure data sets. Consequently, in industrial applications data sets with specific deficiencies are frequently encountered. The development of appropriate methods to address such data scenarios is a fundamental research issue. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide facilitation for this research. Accordingly, the paper starts by specifying the value and availability of data in PHM. Subsequently, criteria for characterizing data sets are defined independent of the actual PHM application. The criteria are used to identify typical data scenarios with specific deficiencies that possess significant relevance for industrial applications. Thereafter, the most comprehensive overview of data sets suitable for PHM and currently publicly accessible is provided. Thereby, not all previously identified data scenarios with their specific deficiencies are addressed by at least one data set. A program is established for the aforementioned facilitation of further research. One objective of the program is to create data sets reflecting these data scenarios using a test bench. First, possible applications and their degradation processes to be studied on the test bench are briefly characterized. Thereby, the final decision to select filtration as a test bench application is argued. Subsequently, the test bench created is introduced, including a description of the functional concept, pneumatic layout and components involved, as well as the filter media and test dusts employed. Typical run-to-failure trajectories are illustrated. Thereafter, the data set published under the name Preventive to Predictive Maintenance is presented. Additionally, a schedule for future releases of data sets on further industry-relevant data scenarios is sketched.

Abstract 2406 | PDF Downloads 3194



PHM, Filtration, Data Set, Overview, Data Characteristics, Data Set Criteria, Industry Relevant Data

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