Fault Isolation and Identification of a Four-Single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyro On-board a 3-axis Stabilized Satellite



Published Mar 24, 2021
Afshin Rahimi


Control moment gyros are known for their applications in attitude stabilization. These actuators are susceptible to malfunction, which results in faults and failures. Therefore, diagnosing the faults can improve the reliability of completing a mission while reducing maintenance costs. Thus, a model-based fault diagnosis method is proposed here. The intended algorithm is an enhanced version of previous work by the author. The enhancement employs a condensed approach to alleviate the delay caused by the filter’s confidence in its estimations. A case-study on a closed-loop controlled satellite is provided along with an extensive Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the proposed method’s performance. The results show that the enhanced method can achieve superior performance while requiring less computational resources by eliminating extra grid search loops.

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Four-single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyro, Fault isolation, Fault Identification

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